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Loan Origination and Processing

MX provides lenders with accurate, real-time insights and additional sources of information on borrowers’ financial behavior that go beyond the traditional credit score, helping them create more competitive and relevant offers while minimizing risk and increasing loan completion. Give borrowers an easy, faster, and more seamless loan application process.

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Why Data-Driven, Personalized Digital Banking Matters

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How MX Helps

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Better assess a consumer’s financial situation and ability to pay off loans or lines of credit with alternative sources of data, such as cash flow

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Unlock new insights with enhanced data to help deliver differentiated products, programs, and personalized solutions across the loan lifecycle

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Speed up the loan process and take manual work and errors out of it by enabling consumers to easily grant permission to financial data and connect accounts for loan data and asset verification

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Help borrowers easily connect their financial accounts and set up payments, reducing friction in the funding and repayment process — all while decreasing risk and reducing NSF fees

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Help mitigate risk and reduce fraud with instant verification of account owner identities, bank accounts, and other financial accounts in less than 5 seconds

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Explore Solutions

    Enhanced Data that Makes Sense

  • MX offers a comprehensive suite of data enhancement services to deliver enhanced, verified financial data to improve money experiences, drive new growth opportunities, enhance decision making, and make better use of time and resources.

  • Account and Owner Verifications

  • MX provides fast, reliable verification technologies to help organizations better manage risk, protect against cyberattacks, and maintain compliance. MX reduces your reliance on manual verification processes with instant account verifications (IAV) and account owner identification.

  • Trusted Connectivity for Financial Accounts

  • MX’s account aggregation solutions enable consumers to easily connect and view all of their financial accounts in one place — and give financial providers full visibility into consumer financial data to better meet their needs.

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See How MX Helps FormFree Speed Up Mortgage Processing

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Leading Companies and Partners Build with MX

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Ready to Get Started?

Learn more about how MX can improve your customer’s journey, uncover growth opportunities, and help you innovate faster.

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