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Account Opening

MX offers fast, secure solutions that help financial providers streamline the account opening process while mitigating fraud and reducing risk. Provide a frictionless process for consumers to easily open and fund new financial accounts.

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Why Seamless, Secure Account Opening Matters

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How MX Helps

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Power seamless and secure Account Owner Identity, account statements, transaction history, account aggregation, balance checks, and account verifications (IAV) with API data requests

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Decrease drop-off in the account opening process by enabling consumers to easily grant permission to financial data and connect accounts for verifications

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Help consumers easily connect their financial accounts with tokenized OAuth connections, reducing friction in the funding and repayment process

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Confirm account and routing information instantly with token-based connections that avoid human error and ensure credentials are never shared

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Validate bank accounts and other financial accounts in less than 5 seconds with the latest security standards through direct OAuth connections, eliminating reliance on microdeposits

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Explore Solutions

    Account and Owner Verifications

  • MX offers fast, reliable verification technologies to help organizations better manage risk, protect against cyberattacks, and maintain compliance. MX reduces reliance on manual verification processes with instant account verifications (IAV) and account owner identification.

  • Rapid Balance Checks

  • MX helps quickly verify account balances prior to initiating transfers, reducing risk, mitigating ACH returns, and protecting against NSF and overdraft fees by having a clear view into available funds.

  • Trusted Connectivity for Financial Accounts

  • MX enables consumers to connect and view all of their financial accounts in one place, providing consumers and their financial providers full visibility into their varying financial accounts as well as the associated data.

Learn More about Why Digital Account Opening is Important

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Leading Companies and Partners Build with MX

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Learn more about how MX can improve your customer’s journey, uncover growth opportunities, and help you innovate faster.

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